Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Utah Should Be Proud

On  Wednesday, November 18, Jason Chaffetz, who is the Republican Congressman from Utah's (my state) Third District, continued to try to make a name for himself in Washington D. C. First, he voted against the Domestic Partnership Benefits and Obligations Act in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Not wanting to stop throwing his prejudices around there, Chaffetz spent the rest of his workday doing everything he could  to kill marriage equality in the District of Columbia. While at a hearing in our Capitol on proposed changes to D.C.'s Home Rule Act, the emperor of inequality used the time allowed to kick around Washington's Mayor Adrian Fenty for the city's refusal to put marriage equality on a ballot initiative. Acting like the true child he is, he vowed to get even by taking his whining to Congress. What happened to not interfering with local government?

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