Friday, September 09, 2011

Today's Email Spam: 09/09/2011

from    Ms. Helen Kelly
date    Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 12:45 PM
subject    Confirm First To Knowing if you are really dead or not. Inaddition
Barclays Bank PLC,

Two Park Place , Hatch Street ,

Dublin 2, Ireland .



Are you dead or alive? The reason for this question is thatwe received an email from one Mrs. Jane H. Sky - stating that she is a verygood friend of yours. According to her, you and your family were victims of the2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake during your holiday that year. Mrs. Jane H. Skyhas made this bank to know that you were rushed to a hospital by the Indian redcross service but you only lasted for only about 5 days and during this fivedays, you made a call to your personal attorney and demanded him to change thename of your next of kin to hers and also give her a power of attorney document(a Legal Letter of Authorization) that will empower her as your next of kin toreceive your valued the total sum of ?32,000,000.00 only, which was depositedto this bank in your name by the TEXACO OIL COMPANY.

Below is the Wiki-news link that Mr. Jane H. Sky referredthis bank to for clarification. If you are alive, you can view the link:

We have informed Mrs. Jane H. sky that ?32,000,000.00 onlyhas been approved by the Board of this bank for immediate payment to you butthat, we have to confirm first to knowing if you are really dead or not. Inaddition, this bank has been correspondence to the TEXACO OIL COMPANY toapprising them of the letter of Mr. Jane H. Sky, and the Oil Company hasprovided this bank with your e-mail address on their file and has mandated usto investigating the letter properly before proceeding with the payment to Mrs.Jane H. Sky into the below receiving account that she has submitted to thisbank:

Wells Fergos

2075 S. Victoria Ave

Ventura , CA 93003

800 788-7000

Acct. name: Jane & Co.

Acct Number: 1951204345

Swift Code & Routing Number: withheld for securityreasons.

Finally, we have informed Mrs. Jane H. Sky that we shallcall back on her after the 5 bank working days to enable us confirm if you aredead for sure and if her claims are correct. We are hereby obliging you toconfirm to this bank, if you are alive immediately you receive this message. Ifno response is received from you by the end of the 5 bank working days –starting from today, we shall assume that you are dead and that the claims of Mrs.Jane H. Sky are correct and as a result of that; proceed with the payment ofthe ?32,000,000.00 only into the above account that she has presented to thisbank.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. Helen Kelly.

Head of Foreign Transfer Department,

Barclays Bank, Northern Ireland .

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